Rabu, 19 September 2012

Roman Picisan

                “He’s saying goodbye, without goodbye. Can you see what I mean here…”
                Restu menutup diari-nya sejenak. Ia pejamkan mata. Lelah setelah seharian berkutat dengan pekerjaan yang seakan tiada habisnya. Konsolidasi lapangan, evaluasi ulang, meeting, rechecking schedule, dan lain sebagainya yang memaksanya untuk tinggal di kantor hingga pukul 9 malam. Pun begitu, ia tersenyum, sedikit senang karena target proyeknya 85% terpenuhi. Yes, yes, yes, serunya dalam hati. Si bos pasti tidak sanggup untuk memberikan pujian lagi. Maklumlah, untuk proyek yang agak becek dan highly risky seperti ini, jarang ada yang bersedia menerima. Lagi-lagi Restu. Mungkin karena ia masih single dan tipe fighter. Single fighter.
                Bolehlah dalam urusan kerjaan Restu dikatakan beruntung. Hanya saja, dalam percintaan, Nampaknya dewi fortuna kurang berpihak padanya. Ah, kalau saja ia sedikit menunjukkan isi hatinya. Kalau saja ia mencegahnya pergi. Kalau saja saat itu ia mengatakan sesuatu… Restu ingin tidur di sofa malam ini. Sofa dekat jendela kamarnya di ruang attic. Restu merebahkan dirinya, ia menerawang. Wajahnya selalu terbayang. Matanya. Restu selalu takluk melihat jendela hatinya Faris. Matanya, aku suka matanya, bisiknya dalam hati. Kenapa aku jatuh cinta oleh hal yang sepele ini? Entahlah, aku mau tiduuuurrrrr….


          Pukul 04.36. Handphone-nya bergetar lembut, kala telpon masuk. Restu gelagapan. “Hhalo, ya..Restu,” sembari menguap, menahan kantuk, tiba-tiba matanya segera menjadi awas. Aware. Seseorang di ujung sana mengabarkan berita tak sedap. “Kapan? Maksudku dimana?”
Sedetik kemudian, ia menyambar jaketnya dan melajukan ninjanya ke arah jalan protokol. Tujuannya satu. RS Borromeus. Adalah Dian, yang menelponnya barusan. Dian mengabarkan adiknya yang mengalami kecelakaan motor dan sedang menjalani operasi. Dian meminta doa Restu untuk sang adik. Adik yang sangat disayanginya, Faris. Sementara keluarga Dian sudah berkumpul di RS yang dimaksud. Begitulah kurang lebih isi pembicaraan tadi.
Dian adalah kakak tingkatnya semasa kuliah yang menjadi teman akrab karena satu organisasi, satu kosan, dan kini bekerja di perusahaan yang sama. Dian sangat berharap Restu benar-benar menjadi adiknya. Dan dengan adanya peristiwa ini, entahlah…. Restu tak ingin berpikir macam-macam. Ia berdoa dan terus berdoa. Sudah lebih dari 6 jam sejak operasi dimulai. Pun sejak ia tiba di RS, ia menghibur Dian dan keluarganya, berusaha menabahkan dan membesarkan hati mereka. Selalu berada disamping Dian yang kondisinya tak jauh dari ibundanya, shock dan sembab karena kebanyakan menangis.
Aslinya, jauh dalam lubuk hati Restu, ia menyalahkan dirinya karena tak bersikap peka. Tak bisa membaca yang tersirat dalam nuansa. Kini penyesalan bertahta di pelupuk mata. Rasa bersalah karena ia tak jua memberi keputusan pada Faris..

Restu tersadar dari lelapnya, tatkala Dian mengusap lembut bahunya. Entah sudah berapa jam ia di RS ini, proyek apapun harus menunggu, karena ia sudah meminta izin tak masuk hari ini. “Faris sudah siuman,” Dian tersenyum matanya berkaca-kaca, “ingin bicara denganmu, katanya.”
Tak menunggu lama, Restu segera beranjak menuju ruang pemulihan dan mengenakan pakaian khusus pengunjung bezuk. Ia termangu di lorong kamar, matanya tertuju pada seseorang yang terbaring dengan monitor, infusan dan selang dimana-mana. Ia trenyuh, tak kuat menahan rasa. Menunduk, dan imaji menyerbu berkelebatan dalam otaknya. Imaji tentang Faris..
Terduduk di samping Faris, yang rupanya jatuh tertidur, ada banyak yang ingin ia ungkapkan, ada saatnya untuk mengatakan apa yang ada di pikirannya dengan jujur, ada banyak… namun tak satu patah kata pun meluncur. Hanya memandang mata Faris, yang kini sudah terjaga… dapat memandang mata itu kembali, hatinya sudah basah oleh puja-puji pada Tuhan… Terima kasih ya Rabb… Terima kasih..

Subuh yang dingin di Bogor, 20 Sept 2012

Selasa, 18 September 2012

Dear Cikuray...

Cikuray adalah nama salah satu gunung di daerah Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat. Nama julukan untuk gunung ini adalah tanjakan tiada ampun, tanjakan paling setia,, dll. Kalo boleh kasih nama, menurutku sih namanya 'tanjakan asik'. Gunung ini cocok sekali untuk para adventurer/hiker yang bener-bener pengen hiking. Tentu saja, sebelum menanjak harus dipersiapkan dulu stamina dan logistik yang oke. Masalahnya, selain karena medan yang terus menanjak (warning untuk para aki-aki dan inin-inin:), juga di puncak tak ada sumber air, sehingga mengharuskan kita membawa bekal air yang cukup selama perjalanan nanjak dan turun.

Kata kang Atok (driver kami waktu ke cikuray), ada saja sumber air di sekitar puncak bayangan tapi ya itu, jauh dari jalur pendakian, alias letaknya terpencil. Bawa masker, karena debunya lumayan genggez benggez. Bawa google/kacamata, karena saat nyampe puncak (cirinya ada shelter), angin bertiup kencang sekali. Yey ogah dong pas difoto, merem melek menghindari debu...wusshhh,,wusshhh, maka dari itu, bawalah kacamata (biar nampak keren juga sih:).

Ramadhan in Papandayan

I went to Papandayan mount during Ramadhan 1433 H (Jul, 28-29 2012). It was nice experience. Very cold over night and had to sahur at 3 am. Hmm,,, such an experience.

Mountaineering in Gunung Gede

It’s not like I have tons of money (wish I had..).
it’s just the title lies on the ‘next trip’ and it fits well my schedule (right before back to school).
And I want to hike.
And the most important thing that made me decide to joined was: it fits my budget (yeaay!). Mind that I’m nowhere from the so-called settled-financially-status, which makes me can be categorized as Sudra class in Hinduism. Or rakyat jelata in bahasa.
Okay, let me tell you the title that interested my traveler guts was: http://backpackerindonesia.com/trip/pendakian-gunung-gede-cibodas-camp-kandang-badak-surya-kencana-turun-putri
Within small period of time, I emailed my id card with mba rini’s id altogether with payment of Simaksi to Ase_Adventure. Why in rushed? Because guys, you will need simaksi (surat izin masuk kawasan konservasi, cmiiw)-IDR15000/person, issued by Balai Besar Taman Nasional Gunung Gede-Pangrango as an entry permit to Mount Gede-Pangrango. Proceed atleast h-30 until h-7, if I’m not mistaken. I decided in last minute to joined. Ase was our TS and he was the one who submitted it. It= as in entry permit for 39 person. I didn’t knew though, but I was sure that Ase would said, “Ck,ck,ck,ck,ck…”.
From time to time, he updated the topic about our trip. Range from member list, meeting point, itinerary-updated, detailed-description route, until some photos of Mt.Gede taken from different shelter (there are 12 shelter plus Tanjakan Rante, wellknown as the devil stairs. Start gate: Cibodas-puncak Gede). By staying updated, we have some point of view about what comes forward and be prepared.
As for me, I rarely logged in. so, what comes forward, then so be it! It’s not anyone’s fault.. #enjoying my trip. Crazy
About the total person= 39 (amazingly crowded..)
About the situation= fun, exhausted, amazing, hilarious, eager, etc (mixed fruit punch)
About the story= hmm, where do I start? Okay, ckckckckc…………….
July13, 2012. How do I describe? Three person. Bogor team. 9pm, Gramedia Pajajaran. We sat on the back seat at the devil minivan (a.k.a elf setan, IDR25000/person), and soon regretted the next 1,5 hours journey to Cibodas T.T. we’re shocked! Why oh why? Because oh because, the driving style didn’t matched with the melancholy song sung by Nike Ardilla (RIP). The song is lullaby, while the driver+the road agreed to gone insane. It drives-our-stomach crazy. Thank God, we were kicked out from that ‘thing’ and posed beautifully in front of Alfamart Cibodas at 10.30pm. Fortunately, before we turned the store into a camp, we met Bandung team, organized by cute yet talkative girl named Tata (Thatha A. Ardjasasmita). So, we decided to find some decent place to save our energy that night. Jakarta team was still on the way and will reached the basecamp at 1am. So, we rented 2 angkot (IDR7000/person) and slept near warung Mang Idi. Jakarta team arrived around 1 or 2am and went straight into the dreamland. Because tomorrow, we will really, really need maximum endurance (especially for newbie like me).
July14, 2012. Gathered in circle, we began our briefing with informal introduction, then direcly divided into three team (advance, girl-group, sweaper), ended with praying. Safe until home, aamiin. And let the journey begin.. start at 7am, pass through Telaga Biru, Air Terjun Cibeureum (Cibeureum waterfalls), Kandang Batu and…Kandang Badak. The last mentioned was the campsite. We end the journey around 4pm.
July15, 2012. Start at 6am, reached Puncak at 10-11 am, Surya Kencana at 11-12pm. Kept walking until 6pm. (re-registration). Reached home at 9.am, safe and sound. Alhamdulillah..

My First Trip: Sempu Island and Bromo

my first trip with bpi..
i went to sempu island and mt.Bromo with bpi friends (feat bpi bandung, malang region), in July5-9 2012. Both terrific places are located in East java province, Indonesia. All around 25 person.
July5: took a seat in ka matarmaja, route ps.senen-kota baru, malang..(idr. 51000)
July6: we met at Kota baru station, Malang. My cousin and i went together with bpi-jabodetabek, started from Pasar Senen station (departure 2pm). it was sunny day and jakarta was hot as usual..though it made my will to travel more solid instead.. Smile
It takes approximately 18 hours to reach Malang (2pm-8am). we used 2 charter-minivan to carried our team. first minivan went to dealt the tent, etc, before reached sendang biru beach. The other moved directly to sendang biru. it takes 3 hours..while awaiting the other team, for anyone who likes to fishing, it's great to taste the water. or you just can strolled around on the boulevard (a.k.a fish auction sites)..or just hanging out there, feeling the wind breezed across your face.. there were 1 musalla, 3-4 toilet, foodcourt (tukang bakso, mie ayam, etc)..anyhow, we arrived in sempu island by 4.30pm by boat(cross over 15min). you might want to save the boat owner's number, so you could contact them whenever you need to cross to sendang biru. the sea in low tide mode, therefore we should walked to the nearest shore.. and walked again...break through the forest..and finally we saw the baby..yes. it was the sea. the big coral reef rise from the sea,

covering the blue lagoon..it was really beautiful. subhanallah, whoaaaaa.....amazinggggg.. shielding our campsite was the big coral reef..the place itself was called segara anakan.
it was fullmoon. the night still dark, but showered with moonlight..above our tent and bonfire. dozens of tent. white sand. waves sound. bonfire. friendship. perfect. no, almost perfect..because it has no toilet (conservation area, of course!) and clean water.. you will need tons of mineral water, wet tissue, and sarung (cover if you want to pee).. the rest was at peace..
july7: playing at sand beach, swimming, running, exploring all activities you want to do in the beach..just named it. just do it. woken up in the morning, starved and freshened.. we cooked, made several decent breakfast (sarden, abon, rice, etc Big smile and took a picture. moment to shared, moment to cherished). at 11am, we packed our tent and heading to next destination: mt.bromo, et. al.
july8: from sendang biru, we reached lumajang by 3am (mt.pananjakan parking lot). let me tell you. it was cold. and freezinggg. my advice: wear all necessary outfit to keep you warm. 1 hour climb uphill by kol buntung.. accompanied by thousand star above sky..#romantic scene. the sun, rise at 5.40. seize the moment, guys..
moved to mount bromo crater, where nothing but grey sand. remember to damp your mask. 2 way to reach the crater from the nearest toilet Big smile by walk, or by horse...your choice. the crater was like big stove made by God AlMighty..beautiful. seize the moment, again guys.. satisfied with the crater, we decided to chased the train schedule depart from kota baru, malang-arrived ps.senen, next morning..
july9: Alhamdulillah, at home, finally. safe and sound.